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Over the next few months Larox Flowsys are changing the company name to Flowrox

You may have heard of Pinch valves, knife gate valves, peristaltic or hose pumps but knowing how they work will give you greater understanding of where to use this type of equipment eg there is no point using a heavy duty peristaltic pump to transfer dirty water, it is inefficient and unnecessary, however if that fluid contains slurry from for example a Titanium Dioxide plant, this is definitely the pump for the application

A Larox (Flowrox)Peristaltic Hose pump uses a central contra-rotating, eccentric element to squeeze a pre-formed hose contained in a metal chamber. The chamber contains a small quantity of lubricant. The hose contains the pumped product. The Larox (Flowrox) pumps have a unique hose connection system where the process pipe-work and pump are joined. They have an heavy duty motor connected usually via a gearbox and speed control is by an integrated or free standing inverter drive

Larox LPP 25mm pump.jpg
The door is hinged giving access to the rotor chamber for maintenance, hose change and adjustment

Depending on fluid properties Larox (Flowrox)Peristaltic pumps can produce suction lift and will self-prime

See the relevant pages for details

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Larox/LaroxPCpump.JPGProgressive Cavity Pumps, this type of pump uses a unique rotor and stator assembly to transfer heavy media in industrial applications

The Larox (Flowrox) LPC pump range use a double helix rotor unlike other designs. This provides a more compact and efficient pumping unit for any given size

The discharge of the LPC pump can be rotated to any angle to match existing pipework layouts when retro-fitting

pinch valve function.jpgLarox (Flowrox) pinch valves may be manually operated or automatic

Larox (Flowrox) Pinch Valves use one or more commonly two, pinch bars to open and close the sleeve

Pinch Valves can be used for shut-off or control operations, both applications need specialized knowledge and experience to select the valve and sleeve

This drawing shows a manually operated pinch valve in open and then closed operation

As you can see when this dual acting pinch valve shuts, two bars close form opposing directions sealing the valve 100% tight

Any scaling or crystalising material attached to the sleeve will be released into the process stream when the valve opens. When fully open the valve has a full bore throughput giving very low frictional resistance 

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Larox/Knifegategroup.jpgSlurry Knife Gate Valves. This type of valve is intended for shut-off applications only andma be manual or actuated

As the name suggests, a Larox (Flowrox)knife Gate Valve uses a blade or knife that closes from one direction to fully shut-off a process flow

As with most Larox (Flowrox)products, the knife passes between two halves of a wear resistant sleeve. As the blade passes through these seals it forces any debris into a wash-out chamber at the bottom of the valve (which may be flushed)

Larox (Flowrox)knife gate valves are available three versions Flanged, Wafer and Heavy Duty

Larox/LRDdisc.JPGRotating Disc Valves, this type of valve is used for shut-off applications only

The central disc rotates automatically when opened / closed spreading wear patterns and extending the valve life. This is a major benefit for handling abrasive slurries in applications such as mineral slurry transfer
As with all Larox (Floworx)products, the LRD valve is designed to provide the lowest whole life cost to you
The disc assembly and wear parts are fully replaceable in service or during workshop overhaul

The synthetic wear parts are available in a number of material specifications to suit your application

Larox/Larflex.jpgBackflow prevention valves (Duck Bill Valves)
The Larox (Flowrox)Larflex range are a simple, low-cost device that prevents back flow or fluid or odours entering a pipe-work system. As the name suggests, the valve looks like a ducks bill when closed. It has no moving parts and zero energy usage

Typical use would be in land drainage scheme, or culvert, dry dock system, sea out-falls, dams and river out-falls

The Larox (Flowrox)Larflex valves can be fitted onto a flange, or a plain pipe end in a number of material specifications